Number of messages in the past 24 hours: 5h: 2178 [Pool size: 923] 6h: 717 [Pool size: 504] 7h: 692 [Pool size: 418] 8h: 169 [Pool size: 130] 9h: 187 [Pool size: 72] 10h: 106 [Pool size: 53] 11h: 148 [Pool size: 55] 12h: 100 [Pool size: 51] 13h: 92 [Pool size: 51] 14h: 85 [Pool size: 51] 15h: 102 [Pool size: 51] 16h: 109 [Pool size: 52] 17h: 109 [Pool size: 51] 18h: 124 [Pool size: 54] 19h: 116 [Pool size: 52] 20h: 1867 [Pool size: 452] 21h: 3104 [Pool size:1354] 22h: 1348 [Pool size: 964] 23h: 673 [Pool size: 547] 0h: 173 [Pool size: 160] 1h: 113 [Pool size: 64] 2h: 114 [Pool size: 52] 3h: 130 [Pool size: 54] 4h: 55 [Pool size: 52] Number of messages per day: 08 Oct: 5123 Intermediate:3681 Mail: 73 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 78] 09 Oct: 4960 Intermediate:3555 Mail: 77 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 75] 10 Oct: 5095 Intermediate:5677 Mail: 84 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 118] 11 Oct: 5322 Intermediate:7031 Mail: 123 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 146] 12 Oct: 5469 Intermediate:6974 Mail: 143 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 145] 13 Oct: 5351 Intermediate:6798 Mail: 144 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 142] 14 Oct: 5520 Intermediate:6965 Mail: 144 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 144] 15 Oct: 5627 Intermediate:4332 Mail: 132 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 92] 16 Oct: 5264 Intermediate:4009 Mail: 73 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 84] 17 Oct: 5514 Intermediate:6654 Mail: 81 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 137] 18 Oct: 5798 Intermediate:6049 Mail: 75 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 125] 19 Oct: 5241 Intermediate:4236 Mail: 83 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 89] 20 Oct: 5726 Intermediate:4078 Mail: 81 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 86] 21 Oct: 5557 Intermediate:4238 Mail: 77 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 89] 22 Oct: 5338 Intermediate:4607 Mail: 76 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 96] 23 Oct: 5742 Intermediate:7648 Mail: 106 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 157] 24 Oct: 5657 Intermediate:6707 Mail: 143 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 140] 25 Oct: 5511 Intermediate:4874 Mail: 136 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 1 [Pool size: 103] 26 Oct: 5165 Intermediate:6751 Mail: 146 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 141] 27 Oct: 4751 Intermediate:5721 Mail: 118 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 119] 28 Oct: 3948 Intermediate:3416 Mail: 63 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 73] 29 Oct: 3934 Intermediate:2743 Mail: 59 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 60] 30 Oct: 3900 Intermediate:2685 Mail: 69 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 59] 31 Oct: 4050 Intermediate:2860 Mail: 58 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 62] 01 Nov: 3634 Intermediate:2611 Mail: 66 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 58] 02 Nov: 3718 Intermediate:2657 Mail: 58 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 59] 03 Nov: 3958 Intermediate:3678 Mail: 69 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 78] 04 Nov: 3753 Intermediate:2682 Mail: 78 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 60] 05 Nov: 3759 Intermediate:4581 Mail: 127 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 97] 06 Nov: 3952 Intermediate:5762 Mail: 118 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 120] 07 Nov: 3969 Intermediate:5704 Mail: 110 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 119] 08 Nov: 3906 Intermediate:6219 Mail: 114 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 129] 09 Nov: 3945 Intermediate:5732 Mail: 69 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 119] 10 Nov: 3711 Intermediate:5443 Mail: 64 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 112] 11 Nov: 3835 Intermediate:5675 Mail: 64 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 117] 12 Nov: 3986 Intermediate:5331 Mail: 59 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 110] 13 Nov: 3772 Intermediate:2670 Mail: 67 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 59] 14 Nov: 3617 Intermediate:2627 Mail: 62 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 59] 15 Nov: 3635 Intermediate:2662 Mail: 63 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 59] 16 Nov: 3500 Intermediate:2528 Mail: 87 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 58] 17 Nov: 3493 Intermediate:2451 Mail: 115 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 1 [Pool size: 57] 18 Nov: 3430 Intermediate:2430 Mail: 115 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 57] 19 Nov: 3399 Intermediate:2656 Mail: 115 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 61] 20 Nov: 3352 Intermediate:5078 Mail: 115 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 107] 21 Nov: 3750 Intermediate:5634 Mail: 66 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 117] 22 Nov: 3599 Intermediate:5742 Mail: 70 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 119] 23 Nov: 3647 Intermediate:5633 Mail: 62 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 117] 24 Nov: 3959 Intermediate:5781 Mail: 58 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 119] 25 Nov: 3892 Intermediate:5763 Mail: 58 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 119] 26 Nov: 3975 Intermediate:5955 Mail: 67 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 123] 27 Nov: 4309 Intermediate:6145 Mail: 68 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 127] 28 Nov: 4122 Intermediate:6287 Mail: 74 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 130] 29 Nov: 4208 Intermediate:4330 Mail: 112 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 91] 30 Nov: 4217 Intermediate:4189 Mail: 118 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 89] 01 Dec: 4408 Intermediate:5470 Mail: 109 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 114] 02 Dec: 4404 Intermediate:3944 Mail: 113 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 84] 03 Dec: 4235 Intermediate:4245 Mail: 68 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 90] 04 Dec: 4565 Intermediate:6231 Mail: 66 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 129] 05 Dec: 4550 Intermediate:6067 Mail: 62 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 125] 06 Dec: 4372 Intermediate:6388 Mail: 65 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 132] 07 Dec: 4997 Intermediate:6271 Mail: 62 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 129] 08 Dec: 4854 Intermediate:4164 Mail: 63 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 88] 09 Dec: 5043 Intermediate:4978 Mail: 64 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 104] 10 Dec: 5051 Intermediate:4720 Mail: 95 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 99] 11 Dec: 5212 Intermediate:6897 Mail: 118 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 143] 12 Dec: 4970 Intermediate:4189 Mail: 117 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 89] 13 Dec: 5114 Intermediate:3644 Mail: 114 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 78] 14 Dec: 5207 Intermediate:4888 Mail: 111 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 103] 15 Dec: 5668 Intermediate:4963 Mail: 64 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 103] 16 Dec: 4917 Intermediate:4441 Mail: 62 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 93] 17 Dec: 4816 Intermediate:6592 Mail: 65 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 136] 18 Dec: 5267 Intermediate:7060 Mail: 61 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 145] 19 Dec: 5043 Intermediate:6873 Mail: 67 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 141] 20 Dec: 5201 Intermediate:6668 Mail: 66 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 137] 21 Dec: 4868 Intermediate:6539 Mail: 65 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 135] 22 Dec: 5396 Intermediate:6865 Mail: 84 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 141] 23 Dec: 5503 Intermediate:7133 Mail: 117 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 147] 24 Dec: 11788 Intermediate:12099 Mail: 113 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 1 [Pool size: 249] 25 Dec: 34689 Intermediate:40576 Mail: 114 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 848] Mix key sizes used (1024, 2048, 3072 and 4096 bit RSA) 2024-11-26 0 0 0 4276 2024-11-27 0 0 0 4115 2024-11-28 0 0 0 4179 2024-11-29 0 0 0 4186 2024-11-30 0 0 0 4366 2024-12-01 0 0 0 4351 2024-12-02 0 0 0 4216 2024-12-03 0 0 0 4524 2024-12-04 0 0 0 4524 2024-12-05 0 0 0 4329 2024-12-06 0 0 0 4957 2024-12-07 0 0 0 4810 2024-12-08 0 0 0 5004 2024-12-09 0 0 0 5026 2024-12-10 0 0 0 5169 2024-12-11 0 0 0 4914 2024-12-12 0 0 0 5047 2024-12-13 0 0 0 5145 2024-12-14 0 0 0 5646 2024-12-15 0 0 0 4875 2024-12-16 0 0 0 4772 2024-12-17 0 0 0 5232 2024-12-18 0 0 0 5001 2024-12-19 0 0 0 5143 2024-12-20 0 0 0 4844 2024-12-21 0 0 0 5317 2024-12-22 0 0 0 5440 2024-12-23 0 0 0 11723 2024-12-24 0 0 0 34637 2024-12-25 0 0 0 13706